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How do I create a group and invite my friends to join me?

If you wish to create a group to be active with your friends and family, follow these steps:

  • Open StepsApp
  • Navigate to Leaderboard in the main Steps View
  • Tap on the ellipsis menu (three dots icon next to “Friends”)
  • Tap on “New Group”
  • Name the group and personalise your Avatar, then tap on “Create”

Once the group is created, you will see it in your Leaderboard section.

Tap on “Edit Group” in the ellipsis menu and "Add Friends", or invite them through the link available.

Tapping on “Show All” right underneath the group in the Leaderboard section will allow you to cross check your results over the Day/Week/Month.

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«Не можете найти то, что ищете? Я здесь, чтобы помочь вам».

Sara, Customer Support at StepsApp

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