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Other Smartwatches
What should I do if my watch does not count steps?
If your watch stops counting steps, it's a good idea to do a general check up to make sure everything is set up in the right way.
First of all, make sure to update to the latest version of StepsApp available on the store:
Then follow these steps to update your device's OS:
- Open Settings app
- Go to “General”
- Check Software Update
Afterwards restart the Apple Watch:
And also restart your iPhone:
If the aforementioned actions didn't help, please unpair your watch and pair again:
At times, you might need to uninstall and re-install the app from the Apple Watch.
Frequently Asked
Which extra features are included in the Pro version?
How can I restore my purchase?
How do I request a refund?
What should I do if StepsApp does not count steps?
How does StepsApp count my steps?
Can I use StepsApp on iPad?
What should I do if my watch does not count steps?
What do I have to do in order not to lose my data when changing phone?
How do I connect my Fitbit to StepsApp?
Why do I have limited access to new Pro Feature, even though I bought a one-time purchase for StepsApp Pro?
Which Workouts Features are PRO?