< Voltar

How do I force quit and restart?

If the app is not responding, you might need to force quit and restart it.

Please follow these steps* to force quit and restart the app:

  • Open Settings on your device
  • Click on “App”
  • Select “StepsApp”
  • Click on “Force Stop”
  • Restart StepsApp by clicking on the icon

*Exact wording could be different depending on the system.

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Sara, Customer Support at StepsApp

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StepsApp Pedómetro - Contador de passos e calorias

Mais de 20 milhões de utilizadores já desfrutam da StepsApp.
StepsApp transforma o seu telemóvel num belo e simples contador.
Basta meter o telefone no bolso e sair. Estabeleça objectivos. Conta os passos. Queimar calorias.