How can I see my steps of the past in StepsApp?

Tech1 min read

Have you always wanted to know how many steps you took in the years or months before? No problem, with StepsApp you can analyze data from the past.

It is very easy to retrieve your steps from the months before. StepsApp offers the possibility to scroll back and switch to any date in the past.


Just tap on the date in the upper left corner of the app under the week or month view.

  • Open StepsApp
  • Tap on the Weekly / Monthly View on the top right corner
  • Tap on the arrow next to the current month on the top left corner 
  • Tap on the date you want to view



Tip: If you want to see the current year, you can just swipe back in the Calendar. 


Want more data? 

Then just export your steps data from StepsApp. You can use the Export Data button in the Settings of StepsApp, this gives you a detailed view of your steps. 

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