20 Million Downloads of StepsApp – Insane!!
We say THANK YOU! 20 Million Downloads of StepsApp
This is insane, StepsApp has been downloaded 20 million times. And we say THANK YOU! We are proud that we have loyal users who constantly develop StepsApp together with us.
StepsApp is now more than just a simple pedometer. It is your daily companion, helps you to achieve your goals, motivates you and shows you how active you are. It is your personal calorie counter, running partner and fitness companion.
Without you we would not be where we are now. We appreciate the numerous feedback and ideas for improvement that we have incorporated into the app. We do not stand still, but are constantly striving to develop the app further. Therefore, we are already looking forward to the next 20 million downloads.
We started with the simple idea to build the best and most beautiful pedometer. Therefore we don’t want to withhold our first designs from you 😊
Set goals, burn calories, run, walk, hike and track your activities.

StepsApp started in 2016 with a simple and beautiful design and it still is. But more powerful than ever. StepsApp is the most innovative pedometer worldwide and meanwhile has many millions of happy users. Countless new functions have not affected the great design and you can look forward to further exciting innovations in the future.