HIT Endurance Workout – Knee Up & Deep Squat

Training1 min read

Get ready to be sweaty in no time with this Full Body HIT Workout which betters your endurance and strength. Keep up and deep squat to better your mobility, your balance, your endurance and strengthen your muscles.

The combination of deep squats which you have to lower your hips from standing and the powerful knee up movement allows a wide range of motion and betters your mobility. This is a good workout for your endurance. While you have to stand on one foot, you better your balance. The movement also improves your strength. 

Watch our video on YouTube for knowing how to do the Knee Up. & Deep Squat Workout!

Start with a stable and upright position

Now raise your hands

Alternately raise your knees as far as possible and stand stable

Then crouch down and back up to the starting position

Workoutidea: 4 times, 2-4min with 30sec break between


Always ask a doctor for advice if you’ve had any related injuries to prevent strain.


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