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How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription following this linkhttps://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039 and then you can continue using the free version of the app.

We kindly ask you to share with us why you are not satisfied with Habits  and what we could improve in future, we care about  improving thanks to our user’s feedback and ideas.

Send us your opinion via habits@steps.app!


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Sara, Customer Support at StepsApp

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StepsApp Pedômetro - Contador de passos e calorias

Mais de 20 milhões de usuários já curtem o StepsApp
StepsApp transforma seu iPhone em um contador de passos bonito e simples.
Coloque seu telefone no bolso e vá embora. Estabeleça metas. Conte passos. Queimar calorias.