Set the StepsApp Icon Badge on iPhone and see your actually steps

Tech1 min read

How to set the App Icon Badge in StepsApp to see your steps

Watch our video on YouTube to see how you can set your steps icon in StepsApp – pedometer and fitness tracker app.

  • Open Settings
  • Tab notifications
  • Enable Steps Icon Badge
  • Ready

We at StepsApp help you to reach your goals. Because every step counts! So start to import your activities from other devices now!


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StepsApp Pedómetro - Contador de passos e calorias

Mais de 20 milhões de utilizadores já desfrutam da StepsApp.
StepsApp transforma o seu telemóvel num belo e simples contador.
Basta meter o telefone no bolso e sair. Estabeleça objectivos. Conta os passos. Queimar calorias.