Active into the Day – New Morning Routine for more Quality of Life

Motivation3 min read

How do you start the day? Especially in autumn it becomes more and more difficult to get out of bed and the start into the day is often more difficult than in summer. But with an active start into the day your quality of life increases and you become fitter and live healthier.

15 minutes a day is enough to make you more awake, fitter, stronger and more agile in the morning. On top of that, you start your day more motivated. Just 10 to 15 minutes a day is enough.

Exercising in the morning has a positive effect on your biorhythm?

One of the biorhythms is the sleep-wake rhythm, which makes you appear awake or tired. Lack of drive in the morning can be related to your biorhythm. But your performance and muscles are also related to it, and your body reacts differently to stress at different times of the day. So that is why you should start active into the Day – New Morning Routine for more Quality of Life.

If you now get up 15 minutes earlier every day, activate your body and become more alert, then you will also be fitter afterwards and start the day with a clearer head.

How do I make positive changes to my morning routine?

Admittedly, changing habits is not always as easy as it sounds. Therefore, proceed in small steps. With these, you can achieve your goal of “getting up 15 minutes earlier and starting the day actively”. Proceed as follows.

  1. set small goals (start with getting up 5min earlier)
  2. give yourself time to wake up and start slowly
  3. find a place at home where you feel comfortable
  4. start with breathing exercises (consciously inhale and exhale)
  5. activate the body with 1 exercise with 2 passes each (see videos)

If this is already working well 

    6. increase from 5 minutes at first to 10 minutes

    7. extend the activation with one, later with a second exercise (see videos)

    8. add a short walk of 5-10 minutes (around the block, in the garden or just in the  

        apartment at the stand).

If you can do that too, then you can increase to 15 minutes over time! Active into the Day – New Morning Routine for more Quality of Life.

Keep at it and start the day actively – New morning routine for more quality of life

The important thing is regularity and that you don’t do it stressed. You can’t change your morning routine by hook or by crook. But you can turn small screws to set the big and whole in motion. Beginners or late risers can also set a goal of two to three times a week to change their habits on those days. You’ll see it’s fun and you’ll notice progress very quickly. 

Good luck!

Exercise 1 for your New Morning Routine

Exercise 2 for your New Morning Routine

Exercise 3 for your New Morning Routine

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