5 tips to get your 10,000 steps per day

Motivation1 min read

Here are some tips for your 10,000 steps per day.

Count your steps and reach your fitness goal. This are the best tips to reach it! Remember, 10,000 steps are good to reach, but your goal can also be lower. The most important ist, that you are active, set goals and try to get it.

1. Take the stairs

At work, at home anywhere. Track the flights with your fitness tracker.

2. Park far away

When you park in the back of the parking lot, then you make additional steps.

3. Take the long way

Take the longest route in office or at supermarket to get more steps.

4. Get off the bus one stop earlier

Your body will be thankful if you walk sometimes instead of sitting in public transport.

5. Walk and talk with StepsApp 

Business call can also be held during walking.

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